I can totally write a Children’s Book” or “I have so many ideas that would make a great children’s book” or while reading a bed time story “this is so simple” – so lets be honest: who amongst us hasn’t had some of these thoughts when reading a bed time story to a little one as you are willing them to go to sleep?! Well this is exactly what I thought over the last few years when reading a bed time story to my nieces or nephews.

So lets do this – I am going to write a Children’s book, its going to be easy and i’m going to be an international best seller!

But wow was I naive. What a huge world that I neither understood nor appreciated. A real world where setting out a story that would resonate with a child – and one that said child would want to read over and over again – all in approx 500 words over 24 pages? Ok. I vastly underestimated the task. Quelle Horreur!

I looked into the Children’s Book scene a little further and stumbled on Curtis Brown Creative in London and I ended up enrolling on their “Writing a Children’s Picture Book” course which was a fantastic introduction to the.

As I had some time I decided to look for some creative courses.
So lets do this. Where to start. I would say I will have it done in an hour – how hard could it be?

But boy was I wrong!! My friends little girl asked me to tell her a story one day when we were on a weekend away and out of no-where I said ok i’ll tell you the story about a Farm (I was in panic as I was on the spot and )The nuances.

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